Support Journalism From Gaza
Help Making Contact commission vital reporting from Gaza to uplift Palestinian voices.
Help Us Commission Vital Reporting from Gaza
We are running a special campaign to fundraise for our Palestinian colleague, Rami Almeghari. He is currently in Gaza with his family as Israeli military forces continue their genocidal assault on the residents of what has been called “the world’s biggest open-air prison.” Rami has been a longtime journalist and friend to Making Contact, and his work has been published on our show, the Pacifica Radio Network, Scalawag, and other international outlets.
With your support, we hope to raise $3,000 to commission eyewitness reporting from Rami during this critical moment. We want to uplift Palestinian voices and tell the truth about what is happening in Gaza. All of the money raised through this fundraiser from now through April 20 will go directly to Rami, including any donations we collect above our goal. He expresses his gratitude to all of you who are reading this.
You can read Making Contact’s statement of Palestinian solidarity here. Please help us keep this vital lifeline of information open.